What is divorce mediation?Divorce mediation is a voluntary settlement process used frequently and successfully by married couples who want to divorce, and by domestic partners who want to separate. Divorce mediation gives couples the option to plan their futures rationally, and in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect. With the assistance of a trained divorce mediator, you can reach an agreement that is custom-made for your family, your finances and your future. Divorce mediation is the preferred choice for couples and families facing separation and divorce because it provides a cost-saving means to reach agreements in a cooperative setting. At the same time, divorce mediation gives couples more control over the process and decision-making. As a result, communication between couples is better so resolutions take less time. Learn more.
The Divorce Mediation QuizEven if you and your partner do not agree on much, divorce mediation could still be for you. Check out The Divorce Mediation Quiz for typical issues to think about when considering divorce mediation. If you and your partner think that divorce mediation could be a sensible solution for your family, you should learn more by meeting with a divorce mediator who can answer questions specific to your situation. Take the Quiz Now!Are you looking for a divorce mediator?There are hundreds of qualified mediators, who are members of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation. You can find one near you by searching our Find A Mediator Directory. Please follow the search instructions carefully for the best results.
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